As the new school year gets underway, students and staff encounter a new Indiana State Law. As of the 2024-2025 school year, schools in the State of Indiana are required to limit phone usage in the classroom. Rensselaer Central Administration is taking action and creating a school-wide policy for all Rensselaer students and electronic devices. Cell phones are prohibited during lessons except if they are used for emergencies or educational purposes. It is a requirement for students when entering the classroom, to place your cell phone in the provided phone holders. Students must put their phones up when the bell rings unless a teacher allows you to keep them.
Most teachers believe the new school policy improves grades. According to Mrs. Yeager, RCHS Science teacher, “the kids are definitely more engaged in the classroom and not distracted by their cell phones.” RCHS Business Teacher, Mrs. Hickman, states, “I think it is wonderful. From a parent perspective, it makes me nervous because of school safety, but it has multiple advantages and disadvantages.”