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The Bomber Bunker

The Student News Site of Rensselaer Central High School

The Student News Site of Rensselaer Central High School

The Bomber Bunker


The Bomber Bunker

The Bomber Bunker

Taylor Vanmeter, Admin

Hi everyone! My name is Taylor Van Meter and I am a senior at RCHS. After high school, I plan to go to college to play basketball, while getting my Bachelors Degree.

I am a student life editor for the Bomber Bunker and also a member of Bomb Squad. I am involved in other school clubs such as Student Council, NHS, Community Service, and Sunshine Society. In my free time, I am usually playing sports, working in the pig barn, or hanging out with my friends and family. I am super excited to be a part of The Bomber Bunker and have the opportunity to create content for the school!

All content by Taylor Vanmeter
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